As explained on my game page, my game is explicitly inspired by a number of different 90s FPS games. And of course I used freely available assets. I assume that the majority of entries used a fair number of free assets for their projects, some even more than the few that are in my game. It's part of how game jams often work. I have no problem with that. I have problems with someone stealing an entire game, making ZERO alterations to it, and calling it their own. If you look at the source code of the game I pointed out, it even has the name of the original game still in its files. That's ridiculous, if you ask me.
FWIW, I've never seen this mod you linked to, let alone played it. You can obviously see that the two are extremely different aside from one graphic element, which I only found as a random and free animation asset. So would you mind explaining your point, and why you decided to create a new account solely to make this useless comment?