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Whose idea was to plant trees on the road. But seriusly, while graphicly it was well made, with diffrent enviroments and stuff, driving experience was kind of frustrating. The rough road shaked camera too much and when you get out off road you became often stuck. For first letting camera be separate rig not directly attached to truck would help with third person view. It would help, if you respawn when you get too far from the road. But camera problems stem from the fact that roads are not horizontaly straight. Like you can go up and down hill, but from one end to other they should be streight with varius inclination. Then the experience would be much pleasing. Nevertheless lot of effort was put into it, that is reflected by fact, that people have a lot to write about.


Thank you very much.. I made the mistake of create road first then add trees which caused this problem. We have planned to Smooth the road so it wont shake that much. Thank you for the re-spawn idea. We will try to implement it as well.