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(1 edit) (+2)

I've been playing the game for some days, I really like it!

1 I'd like to see customers ordering a weapon, leave and come for it later or that you have to bring the weapons to them, like two queues, the fast queue (the one that alredy is there) and the second one that gives more money but demands more (fancy grips or better stats).

2 The shelfs between the long shelfs and the workbench could be bought instead of alredy owning them but whatever you put there it gets automatically sored, like if you put some one hand grips, they get arranged instead of being chaotically there, this way we could store more.

3 The thing with the box and the lid but in the horse's  carriage so anything you put on there doesn't go to the stratosphere with a simple rock. I mean, something that gets the box stuck and it doesn't move untill you want it to.

4 Some more variables on the axe, other variables look really cool.

5 A coop mode (but not now,  in the long run).

6 Dialogues (same as before, eventually).

7 A meter for the tiredness of the character. 

8 A way to pour the ore into the smelting thing

9 To be capable to put a forged thing in the smelting furnace to get back ingots.

10 Make that you can make bronze out of copper and tin.

I may add more suggestions in the future, but the game is great and has tons of potential, keep that up!

no. 9 sounds beautiful! Yes please :)

Hey thanx for your suggestions Salvatol.

YES! 9, 2, 3, and 7 Srsly tho. Tiredness bar would mean no more "surprise, your out in the middle of nowhere doing something, and NOW you have to WALK all the way back. Great."