So, I'll warn you right off the bat, this is not a positive video
overall. That being said, I did my best to give some constructive
feedback and point out the things that pulled me out of this game. The
visuals and level design are about all this game has going for it, the
environment is absolutely gorgeous and has an astonishing level of
detail. But the audio design is extremely minimal, the voice acting is
nearly inaudible, the progression through the area feels like the game
doesn't trust me enough to explore on my own, and the player character
attempts to direct the player far too often. The shifting level design
makes the game far too linear and kills any sense of mystery or
exploration and some of the attempts to be scary ended up falling flat,
even seeming like a joke at some points. I really hate to be so negative
about games, but, if anything, I hope the feedback is valuable to you.