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I found a glitch where, if you are mass producing almost anything, at some point, the autonaut might try to use the result to try to make the result. E.g. I have autonauts mass producing metal, (I've checked the code many times to see if it is on my end, but it's not) occasionally they'll glitch out and somehow be trying to make metal using metal. More specifically, the instructions are Add Charcoal>Add Ore>Grab Nearest Metal>Place in Storage>Repeat but they somehow are holding metal, and thus stopping, before they even add the ore. If the storage is full they should just wait, not continue with the process. Even if they did continue with the process, they would stop before they even add the charcoal. Is this a glitch, or am I just not noticing a bug in my code?

There's possibly a bug where 2 bots try to add metal to Storage that has one 1 space left. Is this what's happening?

Something else do check, the Repeat instruction has a little check box on the right. Make sure it's clear.

I believe that is what's happening. I just recently found another post with this same glitch (The really long, two glitch post), so it's not just me. When you say have the checkbox clear, stupid question, do you mean clear clear, or like checked and ready sort of clear?