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hmmm...nice simulation. 

but i get stuck on 1 hour before day left and didn't get it =(

hummm, interesting, what did you do when you got stuck? the game is started by saying hi on the general channel and the day finishes either after approving or rejecting all the reports or by allowing the 30 seconds to end.

And the idea for the game is to try to get all timesheets submitted and approved by asking people to do it and not making them angry (like if the timesheets manager didn't already have a lot to do already jejeje)

By the way, thank you very much! :D

(1 edit)

i managed to finish my first day without accepting or rejecting anybody, because no one was clickable.

And in the end of the week there was a soft lock

humm, and another Hi! on the general channel didn't start the next day? I will have to test that scenario :( thanks for letting me know!

If I understand correctly the Timesheets Report channel did not allow names to be clicked?

yes, correct it didn't allow to click, but started another day , by *Hi* blob

got it, thanks for the feedback :D I will try to see what is happening