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Hey there! Stoked I finally got to put some time into this, I really like what you've got so far, that being skeleton of the game. There's just a great general energy to it, especially when I managed to enter the Jeep or ride the Moped, they both have such cute and lively animations that give them more personality than you'd expect from a vehicle, especially the Jeep! The weapons so far were also fun to use, nice little variety and the purple one being a sort of poison grenade launcher was certainly a surprise. Also just wanted to put focus on the general art style so far, while the player character and vehicles are the most detailed, I can still get a great feel for what the final game could look like with the use of colours and shading which to me speaks to you having a strong understanding of what you want the art style to be but you're also still prioritising getting the mechanics done first, which is always awesome to see this early on and in games development in general, stuff like that got drilled into me in my Games Art class at University.

Obviously with this being a beta there are some elements that stood out, things that I won't call errors or issues because they might be intended and I don't want to make assumptions but in no particular order here's what stood out;
- The position of the camera or the reticule seems quite important to several aspects so far, I was unable to ride the Moped if I wasn't looking directly at it, despite being stood right next to it or even on top of it, I tested out looking around it, over it and directly up at the time and 8/10 times I couldn't ride until I aimed directly at it with the reticule, the Jeep had a similar situation but I think owing to its larger size it wasn't as difficult. This was also something I experienced with the weapons, some I couldn't seem to pick up at all, even if looking directly at them also.

- Being unable to clamber ledges, I wasn't sure if you wanted wall jumping or swinging on poles to be the preferred method of getting up on to things but if not I would really like to see ledge clambering implemented, just being able to jump towards a ledge or edge and if close enough, being able to grab it and pull myself up. That or perhaps a higher jump but again this is only if the aforementioned methods of traversal aren't the intended progression tool.
The white cubes on the floor trigger the little tutorial pop ups correct? If so they stopped working after 15 minutes of playtime, I'm not sure if it was because of how long I was playing, the amount of times I activated them or I just happened to glitch them but I felt it worth bringing it.
Movement is slow, the running speed could be faster but my real comment is on the initial movement speed, I'm not sure how best to describe it but roughly, the time it takes from me pushing forward on the analog stick to my devil actually running felt a little sluggish.

- Swinging on a pole I had a few thoughts on but I know this was newly implemented before the release of this prototype so I really wanted to stress that I understand it's likely the most problematic aspect. Specifically I noticed you can't flip around which way you're swinging, so if I jump to a pole and begin swinging but I'm facing the wrong way, I can't hit a button or move a stick to flip/twist/twirl/twerk my way to the correct way, meaning I have to let go and try again, just kinda breaks the flow and if you weren't in a position to let go, say because it'd kill or hurt you, I could see it being frustrating. There was also the swinging itself as a whole in that the momentum and the direction in which you swung seemed to rely on the where you were looking with the reticule upon swinging off the poles, something I honestly had some trouble with for awhile, I'd jump expecting to straight forward but instead I'd directly to my right or I'd be trying to aim high to get onto a building but instead I'd just have a small bunny hop of a jump to the floor. Could be that I'm just too accustomed to how its done in most games, with a set arc and distance and you can only jump in the direction you're character is facing (so no reticule or camera dictation involved, sorry if this sounds odd, I rewrote it a few things and I just couldn't get it to sound how I meant)

That's all! I'm really sorry if you (or anyone else for that matter) read all that, I tend to ramble when I enjoy something and wanna talk about it, which is the case for this game, so I just wanted to give honest praise but also honest critique and comments. Stoked to see what's in the next build!
P.S - This is how my devil sat whenever I used the Jeep, dunno if this always happy but I'd like to petition for it to be permanent

Thanks for feedback! :)

the interact checks are based on camera view, however i will be making these more generous and also adding a ui prompt so you know when you can interact with an object

ledge grabs and wall jumps are i agree too tricky to perform! so i will be updating these 

movement will be having a more dedicated momentum system, while the base run speed will stay the same there will be more ways to build speed past this amount and keep the player moving faster :)

the swinging itself is based on your angle or rotation for when you stop swinging, it is more of a fast quick style of movement and in gameplay i do not see many level designs requiring it (other than a fun addition to a level) however if used more i will definitely add a way to turn or alter your spin!

ha! the truck is unfinished, i just included it like that as a joke :P


Awesome! That's everything I mentioned addressed so I'm now even more fired up for the next build