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Glad you like the  feedback, because yeah, these sorts of games are fun, and the story is randomly bizarre! 

Other minigames or alternative puzzles might be nice too, I also really like the sidequests and the need to backtrack and look in other areas for new stuff.

Btw, feel free to give world of legends a play for some ideas, since if we're talking a game with potential, that one definitely qualifies, and there are several moments there that could've done with expanding, especially later in the game. 

I will say though, the balance in freshman's adventure at the moment is currently better than in world of legends, even if the game isn't quite as long.

I do wish freeze and poison sword did a bit more damage relative to their mana cost, the big strike, since it doubles your melee damage usually hits harder, or at least hits enough to balance the cost. Protect I is also a great spell, but rather high cost compared to the big strike as well.

World of legends also didn't really feature much for the enemies to do besides attack and poison you either, so the extra effects in freshmen's adventure are pretty cool, I rather liked the being turned into a diamond moment, and occasions when you needed to play slightly differently. 

It might be fun if enemies had skills that affected their next attack, EG if an enemy did a super attack that made them take more damage next turn through leaving themselves open, or if an enemy shielded themselves. 

either way, really hope a lot more is coming since with this sort of craziness, there really is no limit to where it could go. 

Beating up ninja zombie space unicorns from hell? 

Fighting the evil polyester haddock king! 

Or even just busting up that mean dinner lady in the school cafeteria who always short changes you on lunch portions! :D.

Who knows! But it'll be fun to find out.