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Aww I got Erik's best end.. that was cute! :) I really like the game (I'm such a sucker for high school romance stories haha) but there's a lot of bugs in this.. O.O
I did a little list as I played so you can look it over and fix them when you can:
- When you pick up your homework/book report it doesn't vanish!
- In the classroom you get some part of the text cut-off when you interact with the books in the desk down left
- In the school corridors you can walk in the black edge down there and you can also run through the walls, I keep seeing npcs going there XD
- The event with guy in the science lab isn't working right. Accepting to pay him won't do anything, it won't take the money and also no vial with weird fluid in the inventory, the conversation will just repeat infinitely
- BIG PROBLEM! If you go right where there's the nurse room and theatre room, you can't go back.. you get like stuck somehow without being able to move, I couldn't even see myself only option was to restart the game
- Nurse office and theatre room, stuck by the door, when I entered the rooms, I got stuck in the door and could only move around the edge of the screen, left and right.. so the event in the theatre room doesn't really work, the girl will talk with you and you can accept or whatever but you are stuck without being able to interact with the other guy in the room to continue the event
- In the storage room when we interact with the box that it's ripped open, it says we get some energy drinks but instead we get an ipad in the inventory (then i pick up the ipah that was in the table.. and now i got 2 ipads lol)
- When we enter the lockers we can see the shadow of erik's sprite beneath skylar's, you should make it so just her's is visible
- The last scene (so sweet!!) but the lovers (hehehe) are really far from each other, skylar is like down there at the edge of the screen and erik is all the way up there in the field, they also don't really move during the dialogue (it was really cute though! hehe)
Overall: The game is short but sweet. For your first game, I thought it was pretty good. I liked the maps a lot (except for the doors that lead to the field xD and the wall out there) and it showed that you had a plan (and a cute story!) and, well, you tried to make it work. It's all there. Now you really need to fix those problems and polish it a little more so that people can enjoy it more.
I will definitely replay the game when you do, I'm curious to know what other endings there is ^^ 
Good luck and keep it up!!


Thank you so much for your feedback - I'm glad you liked the story :)

I actually planned on working on the game more (now that I have time), and will definitely be patching those bugs best I can. Thanks for listing them off (odd as that sounds, it's actually a huge help to me XD)!