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i have found a glitch were you can't craft or pick up


that sounds bad. Do you have any more details about how this happened?

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i load a save and I cant craft even though it says 0 logs for charcoal and I cant pick up Cereal but on a new save it is fixed it might be a problem when it loads and I had 25 robots so the robots might be the problem 

Can you send me the save file please and I'll take a look?

how do i send it?

you can use any number of online file sharing services. I use Dropbox but there's many others.

I will when I can get on my pc 

any others you now of?

just do a search for "free online file transfer". 

Here's one

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On the list for what to do I will have it done by next week

well i can't find it on my pc

When you click load it should display the full file path for your save file at the top of the load panel. It should be in that folder.