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AH! This was perfect! Usually I like story focused rpg games better but who the hell doesn't like a good dungeon run sometimes? And this is just the perfect dungeon crawler! The visuals (sprites, maps, etc) were really good but the gameplay is what makes this brilliant! I like being able to upgrade my skills and the stores.. all rewards from my awesome skills!
The battles were so balanced too! Usually in games like this one thing that always bugs me is when the enemies are soo strong you just want to scream (or when your hero is so strong that it's kind of boring lol). But I didn't feel that at all here.
Going from floor to floor while collecting cool equipment I expected at some point to hit a wall-monster that I would cry over not being able to defeat but with some strategy (and the right skills set) the game is pretty fun to play. 

Overall: This one is going to my favorites! I'm still at floor 21 but I'll definitely keep this game around for when I'm bored... damn just thinking about getting to floor 80 is getting me all excited! Is that really the max level? :P I'm really curious to know! 


Hey Kyattchan, thanks for the amazing review. One of the things I love so much about games is the sense of reward when you make the right strategy, that's was my main focus with this project and I feel happy when someone shares this same feeling playing Dungeon Down.

In fact, there are a little more than 80 floors and when you reach it the tough fights will really begin ;)