Cute game with nice graphics and fun gameplay!
Controls are good overall, but the jump feels somehow a little “floaty”. I wanted to use my PS4 controller, but gamepad support on web is a bit hit-and-miss. Having the option to download would be nice? It’s great that you have so many abilities, but having one button for everything means the controls aren’t super simple and intuitive. For example, Interact and Skip dialogue could probably be on the same button. There are a lot of times where you don’t see what’s below you in a pit. Some games solve this by letting you zoom out or pan the camera, others just put warning signs and arrows. Also I did miss some of the dialogues in the first zone, due to being midair…
The health/respawn system is pretty jank. Health doesn’t refill across levels, but when you die it refills. There’s no way to tell where the checkpoints are, and the boss doesn’t reset when you respawn. Are apples and carrots supposed to heal you? Otherwise why do enemies drop them?
The level design varies, the first level is pretty open and easy to get lost in, the final level has some nice platforming “puzzles” in self-contained areas. The final boss was pretty fun.
In summary: The graphics, audio and controls are very neat. The technical stuff could be more polished. I’ve definitely seen some bugged out jam games, and this is not one of them, but there are many mild annoyances that take away from it.