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I echo WordyRobin on a lot of their points:
(Spoilers? ahead if you haven't played yet)
It was very interesting that you got to be the unreliable narrator to a captive. That was dark and intriguing. I really loved the way you did worldbuilding though the lies/truths you could tell your pal.
It didn't feel like the dialogue choices made a difference in the creature's mood though? I was unsure if my choices had impact. Maybe I didn't play long enough? I did two playthroughs, the first I ran out of fuel fair and square, the second I got a "game over" when I still had toxic waste in the ship, which was sad.

It might be nice to be able to give players the option to turn off the fish-eye. That started to get to me a bit, especially since the wall and floor colors were similar enough. I wound up learning the ship layout by collision.

The core gameplay loop did become tedious, maybe decreasing the number of times you had to fill the fuel tank before you could get the next story-chunk at the helm? The world was intriguing but the gameplay loop got in the way of it for me.