This is a pretty great game. The art was great, the controls were pretty good, having the townspeople jump up and down when you could invite them was very helpful so you didn't have to check the invite list or try to count all the people swarming around you. The chatter and voice acting was an incredible piece of polish (except you couldn't really make out what they were saying because the music was louder). The game itself was very fun. It was more challenging than I thought it would be. A couple times I lost and retried and just ran around picking up people, thinking it was pretty easy, but then I would get sloppy and Jimmy would spot me and chase after me like I owed him money or something.
I have to ask - why are we throwing a party for Jimmy? He seems like quite the ungrateful little guy. I mean, I had Batman and Superman at his party and he was only 42% happy. Why does he love that panda so much? I eventually convinced the panda to come just so Jimmy could be happy, but I can't help but feel Jimmy doesn't really deserve a cousin as great as Marcus Tempest.
I had some trouble figuring out to press space to get things started in the story part because it doesn't say anything about space in the controls. I tried clicking and moving around at first. Then when I got in game, I had a hard time finding where I was. I think I was confused by there being a blond guy in the center of the screen and I thought it was me. I tried moving for a bit and he didn't move. I did figure it out eventually that I was in the top left corner. I think something like a fade out would work wonders to fix that. Like start with a small circle around your character and everything else black, then expand the circle to show the full screen. That is if it was even a problem for anyone other than me.