I really like this demo, the characters are very charming and cute, I absolutely love Alichino - she's my favourite, but Malacoda is great too.
I did encounter a minor issue with reloading a save on the browser version. The save was made mid-way through a text box scroll when Alichino is explaining the pirate ship expenses to Malacoda, I didn't intend to make the save halfway through the dialogue, but when I re-loaded it, it froze. I tried opening the menu and skipping the text but for some reason that didn't do anything and for some reason I couldn't open the menu again - forcing me to refresh the page (and this problem is still there if I try and reload the save after refreshing). Not sure how the save system works, but maybe having the load revert to the start of the text as opposed to trying to load exactly where the player loads might fix this.
I really hope this gets ironed out as the game so far has a lot of potential and I'm looking forward to playing a full build.