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Thank you so much for your kind comment! I'm very happy to see your enjoying the game and the characters and I loves hearing your theory about Mary! Also, you have an incredible amount of self control to wait until Chapter Four's release to play Chapter Three, and for that I commend you scbdh

Rest assured I'm doing my best to make Chapter Four as satisfying as possible, so hopefully when it comes out everyone will have a blast reading it ( •̀ ω •́ )✧


Yeah I'll definitely read Chapter 4 as soon as it comes out! (already very excited) (and the self control thing...well I ended up playing chapter 3 after some struggling anyway QWQ how can I resist the following content when it's right in my computer?? (gets both frustrated and satisfied after playing) I try this every time with games and novels and always fail XD so I shouldn't accept ur praise, but thanks anyway :P

(PS:if you don't mind, what's a scbdh qwq I'm not so familiar with internet slang as I'm pretty much foreign, and found nothing in the search engines)


That's just me keysmashing haha! I'm glad you ended up enjoying Chapter Three anyway, dear lenfrey!