This review is for the version 1.4 so I don't know any future fixes but here's my experience:
You play as angel with the name of Emeriel and your mission is to rescue the lost souls in the Abyss and find out who closed the gates to reach heaven.
Is a kind of dungeon crawler shooting game, and I actually had fun playing it, I think this game can be hard but no unfair, it heavily reminded me the times I played the original Binding Of Isaac, you just have to be very careful and very patient and at those moments like when I had 1 in my lifebar while trying to get back to the savepoint really made me feel tense and I love games like that.
And about the story, it's not that plot heavy but I don't think it needs to be, it has a decent plot at least when it comes to the protagonist and other character I won't spoil, on the other hand I do think the bosses need a little bit more of story interaction into them but this game was made in less than a month so it's very understandable.
What it does lack it's uniqueness, it does look a lot like an RPGMaker game and I think that's limiting the game, I also must say that I've seen the developer update this game constantly so it will probably become an even better game that is right now, overall I felt satisfied after finishing the game and I wouldn't say is awesome but it's definitely a pretty good game.