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(4 edits) (-3)

Hello. Just checked the patreon. I saw that you're doing a poll if people want additional content for Bree MC. I just wanted to voice out my opinion here. I think now is not the best time. It doesn't seem like you'll attempt to finish Bree's content in the next few months. Looking at the update patterns, I'm guessing it's just 1.5 hour worth of content then the focus will be on Mike MC again. Bree MC will still be lacking. With that in mind, I think it's best to update it only when you could commit to it the way you could for Mike MC currently.

Also, I'm pretty sure that your most of your patreons are mainly there for the contents in Mike MC. The poll results also back this up. There's no point in focusing on Bree MC right now if Mike MC is the one getting people to buy the game. Tbh, I won't be surprised to see a loss in the patreons when you work on Bree MC as it feels like a spin-off game. Yes you're releasing these two paths in 1 game but you could release Mike MC and Bree MC individually as a standalone game and it'll be fine as they aren't dependent of each other. It's best to look at these paths as 2 different games tbh.

I think you were considering a double feature. Which means that there'll be even less content to add for Bree MC. Also less content for Mike MC. Imo, double feature or not, I don't think it'll solve the issue that Bree MC is still lacking. A path that is very lacking like this could only be solved by consecutive months of releases. if there is no intent to do that, then I suggest to just ignore it until it could be done. It's not like people are buying the game because of Bree MC anyway.

Edit: For me, it's just better to do these harem updates as a way to patch up the lacking storylines in the existing girls as it is a problem that is easier and more fundamental to address over Bree MC which could be considered as a "different game". It's better to work on Bree MC when things on Mike MC are more stable and complete.