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Are You Certain About That? Well, I'm quite certain this visual novel has tons of comedic elements and it does have shine with its funny conversation and slapstick jokes revolving the game Jam themes that they picked. Seriously, I'm pretty much certain it IS a gem of a comedy too.

So Are You Certain About That? is a whimsical and light hearted comedy kinetic novel about four characters (not certain of their relationship tho) and out of the two, Wanda and Ellie, are able to transform into magical girls. The story and dialogs are well written with some funny bits here and there and can get hilariously weird at some points, certainly in a good way. The character art is well drawn for the visual novel genre and the characters have facial expressions of their own. The CGs are really nice with good color composition and layout. The UI and graphics use is well made and does fit well with the story genre. Its a nice short comedy that teases the game jams themes so basically the developers manage to pull that off with a laugh. I got to enjoy the character dialog and and had a few chuckles here and there which stands out as something fresh for me compared to all the entries in the jam.