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Ah, so much to cover..

I like it. So far. Most of it anyway.

I've noticed some have commented Ambrosia being a different artstyle, and while I get its a beta so not everyone has gotten the same revamp yet, it does end up being very striking as her smaller eyes makes her look even more childlike than her more cartoonish predecessor and leaves me a little... Uncomfortable pursuing anyone with her character aside from Chase who's rather young looking and acting even if he's the most straight forward of them all.                                                                                                                Arsenik seems horrendously too old for her in comparison, Viktor just a tad given his rather chirpy attitude and cutesy face but I just shudder at the thought of Night being anywhere near our little marshmallow let alone our unknown caller. (Sorry Signor Blanket but this version Virgo Ambrosia is waaaaay too little and childish for me to even consider even you.)

The music was lovely, and it carried the game well through the different settings and tensions. The ending credits seem so upbeat and techno it clashes with the game, kind of like the "Bleeding out" or "shot" endings from Don't take this risk (which actually made me mad because I was genuinely upset with the ending, then to be greeted with blaring techno music straight out of a rave was just..). Ahem. I'll leave that rant for another day.

The art, goodness I loved the art, of course not everythings perfect but goodness some of those scenes were straight out of a triple A production level good! Forgive me I'm gushing ^^; But really honestly the scenes from the "prison" are the best so far, the art is just incredible.

What did I like the best... hmm.. Honestly Viktor and Chase are still my favorites even with Arseniks new artstyle. Even though nothings really changed for them I still like them best.

Don't get me wrong, its not that Arsenik isn't fun in his own way, he really is, and he DID save us at least once he's just frustrating because he won't just spit it out when I KNOW he can. I just like more... forward and honest guys like Chase who kinda just go for it. Or the fumbling "I have no idea what to do or say" kind like Viktor.  Viktor is seriously the cutest of all of them all :3 I just wanna wrap him up and cuddle him

Alrighty. I think... that was everything. Aside from a review I left, but yeah, I'm liking how its going so far. I just hope that once everyones art is on relatively the same page I'll stop feeling so disturbed about 13 year old looking Ambrosia running around in ribbons T__T

Hi, Artemis-Ameretsu. Ooh, thanks for playing the demo and letting us know your thoughts!

I'm glad to hear you enjoyed the music! Aha, but it seems I have a habit of putting in an upbeat credit song. I'll have to see what I can do about that for the full version. 

We're also happy to hear you enjoyed the art! Viktor and Chase will be pleasantly surprised to know they're your favorites. Does that mean you're planning on entering a courtship with Chase first? (Unless you're still waiting for everyone's art to be on the same page. Or until Ambrosia gets older, which should be reflected in her sprite.)

Speaking of which, I took what you and others said into account and did some more tinkering with Ambrosia's sprite recently!

Better or worse? Rest assured, I'll be tinkering with the art for a while before I'm fully satisfied with it! But it's always helpful to get a second opinion. When I'm working on something, I'm often staring at it for hours, so in a way, my eyes get used to seeing it.

I hope you have a Happy New Year!

Dear gods I really need a longer attention span. Its been over three months haha ^^; Forgive me...

As to answer your questions, as far as courting goes, the Phoenix seem like a very proper clan, I can't imagine anything too inappropriate happening under with Lady Jasmine around. So I want to say I'll give everyone a fair go but I do really appreciate forwardness so Chase certainly has an advantage ^^ I guess it depends on who's personality I like better?  I can't say I've spent nearly enough time with any of them to decide who I like the most just yet.  I wanna be like "Oh I'll go for everyone!" when in reality I'll probably pick one, that I will obsess over unhealthily for the end of all time and it will probably be a blocked path because I always pick them and please dear gods above if there is one thing I can beg, plead, cry for, DONT MAKE A BLOCKED PATH CHARACTER.  T___T PLEASE. I've gone through it so many times now and it makes me feel like such a shitty person grinding through everyone else like a psychopath just to be with the person I want T__T


Unless you're feeling sadistic, in which go for it.  Far be it from me to ruin your fun ~<3

As for the art update I think the sprite art does look a bit better. I say a bit because I couldn't honestly remember what I disliked about the original ^^; I just have a vague recollection of it weirding me out..? Either way it looks good ^^ any improvements you've made definitely made a difference.  She still seems young  but I think I'll acclimatize to it once the game comes out if it hasn't had any major updates by then.