well i killed her because she took my phone
betting you were just talking back, okay fair enough... *high fives Jess*
*high fives back*>:D
*eats cream biscuit* anything else happening with you?
your stuttering, that only happens when your pleasure, *snickers*, or your worried about something....
so, just tell me whats wrong...
nothing's w-wrong OK i dont wanna talk about
alright, but if you do then just tell me... *eats rest of cream biscuit*
*looks away with a mad face*
*looks down at table with worried face*, *stays silent*
*gets up*i-im just gonna go *goes upstairs to bedroom*
Jess come on, wait! if i did something i can fix it...
*follows* jess please, we can talk about this!
did i do something? or is it something else...