The art and sfx are really well done! Music is nice too. The game mechanic is neat, but to be honest I think I felt more frustration from the boomerang than anything.
Even at full camera size since I cant see the whole map I need to explore, but due to having to restart the level when I run out of lives I feel like im being discouraged to explore. Maybe consider adding the option to decouple view from boomerang so the player can look around the map without having to fly there?
Is disabling the liver system let me have infinite lives or just "one live"? Cause when I disabled it it ment that when I hit something the first time I already get sent back to beginning. It would also I think be nice to have some sort of visible lives counter. Maybe you have some visual trick for it like the slowdown bar being around the boomerang, but I didn't catch it then.
Once I figured out im moving the "rotation centre point" instead of the boomerang itself, the gameplay got a bit easier, but (at least for me) the boomerang spinning around was a source of constant unease as I worried it will move into a wall I didnt notice once the centre is stationary. Its fine when moving since your guidelines do a really god job there! Though I did feel like I spend more time just waiting for it to get in position to throw than anything.
Didnt run into any glitches,
Maybe add a tutorial text saying you can "throw" the boomerang once its been thrown. Going into the game knowing nothing I though maybe I need to wait for it to return and id move around as the thrower guy.
Sorry, game is just not for me I think. If others are liking please just ignore my opinion.
Thanks for the demo, and good luck with the game!