Hey! >:3
*laughs some more*
*sighs*,*eats food*, you know....i'm glad i can finally eat....with you again!
awwwwwwwww *looks away blushing*
heh, -Kisses Jess cheek-, You're adorable when you blush
(Pikachu)>:( *iron tail move on Meme*
*Shields Meme*
phew (Pikachu)>:3
*Continues eating*
thank you but i can withstand a single attack from the small guy
(both)*stares at eachother (Jess);-; (Pikachu)-<-
*throws pikachu a treat*, there you go bud...hey Jess, how stuff been going while i was gone with killer?
(Jess)pikachu wants to fight your pokemon but i told him you have none so here *gives pokeball*you can keep torracat (Pikachu)I WANNA FIGHT PIKA PI