Alright, everyone, line of 5 and get on there backs! *complies*
Alright, time to spice things up, it's time for our other special move! WALL OF FLAME! *every clone uses Flamethrower*
let's see you get through that!
Thanks for letting your guard down~
*torracat comes out from underground and uses double claw on lucario*
ALRIGHT! GOD THAT FELT GOOD! i think im having a heart attack xD *laughs*
I was NOT expecting that to work!
(Pikachu):< (Jess)welp i lost now *teleport's us in the bed at home* im ready for you to cum inside me now (Pikachu)what about me can i join? (Jess)...
wow, that changed for 50-100 real quick....
Heh, you changed again~
*keeps on licking*
*jumps on top of Jess* well, if you want it then you can have it but first, let me get you ready~
*takes of pants*,*starts licking the inside of Jess's pussy*
i know i said i was glad to eat WITH you, but now im glad TO eat you~
*nimbles pussy a little*
*torracat starts evolving*
um, whaaat's happening?
*evolves into incineroar*