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Hi Jnpicklee, thanks for your reply and informative explanation to my questions.

I do apologize for my ignorance since I have not thought that the controls were built with consoles in mind, this actually made sense then since I assume incorrectly that the game was built with PC controls as it did not feature any gamepad controls. It would be nice to inform in the main page that gamepad controls are recommended so long as you have them in place.

Its good that you are continuing development with the feedback in mind and I can see that you have what it takes to get a good game out with a novel concept. So, I wish you all the best with this current dev and any future developments.

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you for your considerate response, it is not ignorance, you had it right, the game (build) you played should have been built for PC controlling but was too rushed, so it is not your fault for pointing that out, my apologies for the confusion, I do believe that the key mapper I had would taken care of gamepad functionality though, but as I have said, it could not be implemented in time. But will include it into the update later