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That's the high score I got after half an hour. I'm not that good at these games. This was certainly well made. (Do the animations use Spriter by any chance?) There's a buggy room with a switch. Sometimes you'll get stuck on the door. Otherwise everything seems to be working well. There seems to be a large difficulty spike from the room with lots of fire (which is very sensitive) onwards, which I think is the room after the aforementioned one with the switch.

Great presentation and very challenging gameplay. Probably sets out what you intended to do though for those who love this type of game.


I got it to bug on the door, I took a look at my events and forgot to set the auto down alt value on. Fixed for when the Jam is over. Thanks for the feedback :)


The animations are spriter animations it's a life saver for quality animations :)

I'm glad you sorted the bug, and yeah, I thought so. Are you using the Spriter extension or are they imported into active objects?