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Nice game. I like how the ground changes color over time in levels.

1, I think there should be sound and music.

2, As other people said, Geometry Dash is a name for a very popular game. If you still want to use the name, maybe you should put (ScoreSpace) in Parentheses.

3, The ball moves too fast, Maybe he should move slower or you can add a slow down power up.

4. I really would like It if you could control the ball with the arrow keys as well. Since I saw a "Made with Unity" Splash screen. This means the game was made with Unity. Next time, you should use Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal") ; To make the character move.

Other then these. Simple and Amazing game.

You are absolutely right, I am a total beginner and I don't have much experience, also I never heard about Geometry Dash original game :( .  I made this game in 5 hours, as I found the jam too late 

Thanks for the feedback

For a 5 hour game. The graphics are stunning. Good job.
