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Very well polished and well made. Easy to see how this would work well for mobile. Although not sure how it fits in the sci-fi fantasy theme but I enjoyed it. Had only one minor glitch in the second or third room (the one with the lever) where the exit spawned even though I had missed one gem but I'm not complaining lol. Great submission!

(2 edits) (+1)

Yeah I noticed that glitch too, you can see it during the demo video. Thanks for the feedback, I've just fixed it by making the warp invisible if the timer runs out and only allowing the warp sound if it is visible. Just needed a double check in the events, thanks.

Science Fiction Fantasy is very broad. Most of jamers stuck with a Space Sci Fi  theme, yet even 'Game of Thrones', 'Dungeons and Dragons', 'Steampunk' or Super Heroes' are classed as Science Fiction Fantasy. I chose a Viking doing the deeds of a Viking God 'Odin'. I'm sure it fits the Sci Fi - Fantasy theme; it's just with the Phantom Menace  poster on the Jam page that most people thought of Space games. I purposely chose to be different.

(1 edit)

This is true. Definitely stood out so clearly wasn't a bad idea - smart marketing