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((same!!! idk what happened))

Delia: Wow... That looks... amazing on you... :)

Claire:T-thank you!!

Delia: Wheres Aussie? I thought she was packing? maybe she went to the market...

Claire: im not sure were she is??

Delia: Well then, lets just head to the cabin and wait there for her *grabs claires bag since she was struggling with it and takes her hand as they walk throughout the house and raid as much gold as they can*

Claire grabs Delias hand back and helps snag the gold they see*

*after 47 minutes...* Delia: Alright, I think thats all we can get without my father getting suspicious. *starts running toward the cabin* We're here! I'll clean rooms, you clean kitchen, deal?

sorry i was wrighting the plot twist

*As Delia was walking out the door Claire ran ahead of her because she saw something shinny but little did she know her master was walk the streets looking for her. Once he saw Claire he walked over to her and grabbed her hand and said in a yelling but whispering voice DON'T STRUGGLE IF YOU DO YOU WILL BE IN BIG TROUBLE, but if you let me take you home you will have no consequences okay so lets go* Claire agrees and she looks at Delia with a sad face and she can only dream of yelling her name but she goes with her master qiutly*

Delia: Alright, Claire lets do th- Claire...? Claire?! CLAIRE!!!! CLAIRE WHERE ARE YO- *sees her master dragging her away* CLAIRE!!! *runs towards him and literally almost kills him by uppercutting his nose* Claire come on!! *grabs her arm and runs as fast as she can away*

Claire starts crying as Delia saves her* T-THANK YOU!!! *while claires master falls to the floor but then gets up and yells I WILL FIND YOU!!! AND I WILL KILL YOUR FRIEND TO YOU DUMB SERVENT!!!!!!!!