*looks away*i dont feel like talking (Pikachu)pika:<
k that's all i wanted to ask
*Teleports back to couch*
(Pikachu)*lays on Keith's lap*:< pika
Hey Pikachu
(Pikachu)pika pi?
*Translates what he's saying* What where you saying again Pikachu?
whsts wrong?
I'm just.. worried about him he seems sad
*Watches TV*
*Puts it on netflix*
*looks at keith's dick rising* *blushes*cute>:3
*Takes off his translator* you don't need this anymore for rn :D
h-hey k-keith...mind if i k-knit next to you?
It's fine go ahead man
*grabs keith*god i wanna suck your dick so bad
(is this pikachu or jess-)