This game feels great in the hands! Every attack hits good and hard, and I think the ways to go forward from here and improve are really straight forward. Your core gameplay is already really good!
Enemies should have a more distinct spawn animation, whenever I died or for that matter even took damage it was because something spawned behind me. If there was a longer wind up and warning to them appearing I feel like I could react better and reposition myself, like flames erupting from the floor where they appear or something.
I think the small mooks with the cube heads could use some work. I can't actually tell what their attack is and it feels like it hits me from quite a distance.
Playing in multiplayer was actually a blast because it fixed the issue of me getting wrecked from behind. Unfortunately, it was extremely easy to mix up me and my friend because the character is exactly the same. A palette swap for other players would be really appreciated here. Also my friend died falling in acid and I couldn't jump in to save him because I was at one health which was a bummer.
Finally please let me use the stick on my controller. D-pads are really not my thing, and I'd definitely roll more often if I could just push the stick down instead of using the d-pad.