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Yeah, I'll admit I'm between making it more on the easy side or the hard side, and due to me currently liking Kingdom Death, I opted for a harder experience.

Great insight on the climbing terrain part, I honestly didn't think about it haha. For now, maybe I'll add how the terrains and playing field should not be multi leveled, but it might be an interesting variant to consider. Thanks!

And good catch on the winning condition as well, for that one I'll just admit that I could've done better haha.

Thank you for your input! I'm thinking of refining this further after the jam, and one of my concerns is definitely  if the game would be too difficult, so this further confirms that belief for the next adjustments.


In the end it's about the experience you want to give.

There's a rpg around that doesn't use any dice, only Jenga. Every difficult situation you pull a block. the tower falls (or you push it down), your character dies and you choose how to go out. So you know the character will die eventually but it's still pretty epic.