*takes out dick and gets dressed* well, the mood is kinda ruined... *picks up Pikachu*, Why do you keep on attacking me?
(Pikachu)pikaa>:( (Jess):O PIKACHU LANGUAGE
what did pikachu say
Jess, can you speak pikachu? cause i for sure can't
he said a curse word
*puts on suit* Mind telling me WHAT he said?
i dont curse unless i have too
*Grabs Pocket knife and case* yet while doing you know what, you curse like a sailor *chuckles*
Hey, have you seen a large case like this? *shows small black case*
no babe have you seen it Snowy? (Snowy)vul vul pix :< (Jess)oh ok
what did he say
(you still here..)
(sorry, my internet cut out for awhile)