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Also, about the whole status quo thing, the only way to combat aggression is aggression. If we want to change the world around us we need to be ACTIVE, we need to go for it and hit them where it hurts. I hate the upper crust as much as any other mid-low class gentleman, but I'm fully aware that almost every person who's gained great amounts of wealth are either pathetic fucks who don't do anything for fear of losing their wealth, or overly aggressive dicks who fuck every business they can in order to get even one more penny. This was never about me liking how things are, it was about facing the truth and understanding that the only real difference between them and us is money, and the rest follows naturally.


When you come from a disadvantaged background, your humanity is at a higher level as a result of the experiences of lack. Most greedy people, horrible people that we call the 'ruling elite' even though 'elite' is a misnomer for 'handicapped', have never come from a significantly disadvantaged background. Whatever little inconveniences they've experienced weren't anything compared to being hated for the skin you're in, or being colonized by rapists & drug dealers (let's be honest). I can say that I've already been benevolent with the little bit of money I have -- it starts when you don't have it to give. Greed and aggression aren't necessary. I think you're conflating aggression with action. It's not a battle of who's king of the hill currently -- it's a fight for freedom of all people to live how they naturally desire (without all of the additional societal trappings that we've superimposed on top). We need to study people that live off of the land to get more in tune with nature and stop looking at everything like a competition. Peace.