Step through the portal and wait, i'll tell you what to do when we come through
*Nods head walks through and waits*
Squad-64, Squad-64, how much time do we have, (???) about 3 hours, plenty of time for a 30 minutes job, Roger...
3 hours keith, think you could handle a few dozen men?
*Kills them* Yeah sure
We're about a quarter of mile of the base, your not sonic -^-
lol -v-
*sets up silent sniper* take out the top left corner of the base, then work yourself down
*Prepares and starts shooting*
*stops keith from shooting real quick* NO, DON'T! they will find us if you keep aimlessly shooting! you only have two pistols, no where near long rane! i meant go in melee
*Shows him a silenced long range pistol mod and keeps shooting but slowly so they can't track the bullets*