Your getting quite aggressive babe, you want it v e r y bad don't you?
oh how cute you are when your mad~ *starts cumming inside Jess's mouth*
mmmmhm~ *puts hair in ponytail* and im not cute
oh yes you are...I said i wasn't and you said I wasn't, so i'm saying you are cute when your saying your not~
*laughs then kiss Jess cheek* also, again, yes you are >:3
wait, how the heck did all the tan get off? *boops Jess's nose for no reason*
i think you have the answer to that *boops his nose* ;3 *leaves*
*blushes from nose boop* how the hell is she so cute? *mumbles to self* also, how does that answer my question? also she's talking about the cum then i guess that makes sense
*looks back at him slightly*your funny *goes downstairs*