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(3 edits) (+4)

Thank you for the kind words :) 

 Most of the in-game books are references to fellow VN dev's games that were in production or recently released when we were making AWKI.
Unfortunately my original list has disappeared, but I can show the in-game list and you can try to figure out the ones I don't remember anymore. In addition a few titles were submitted by backers, while "Sexy Man Man #5" is Jaime's own creation ;)


Zombie Holmes and the Giant Crabs (not a VN reference)
Pinewood Island
Lets Feast Steve - Let's Meat Adam
Magnitude Death - possibly Quantum Suicide
Doki Doki School Club Series - DDLC
The Note - The Letter
Pursuer and Maniac - Stalker & Yandere
Censored Life - Redacted Life
Spirit Terminal - Yurei Station
Which one is the real Mich? - Might be Who is Mike?
Recognize Recall - ?
Prof. Wurst’s Construct-A-Companion - Dr. Frank's Build-a-Boyfriend
9 Moments, 9 Lives, 9 Archways - 999
Faith’s Terminal Award - Virtue's Last Reward
Consort or Croak - Date or Die
Awareness of the Lifeless - ?
When they Laugh - ?


XOXO: Tales of jerks in love - XOXO: Droplets
Owlful Partner - Hatoful Boyfriend
Lady’s Woman in a Tight Spot - Ladykiller in a Bind
Fantasy Father - Dream Daddy
Revelatr - Celestial Convoy - ?
Within the Basket - ?
Convenience Store Tale - Konbini Life
The Cutoff - ?
High Jinx Adept - could possibly be Prank Masters
Hoof & Tail: My horse is a Hominid! - Paws & Effect: My Dogs are Human!
My Mystic Annulment Office - My Magical Divorce Bureau!!
Pitching for the Win - Coming Out on Top
Sparrow Drue: Clover Counsel - ? 


The Rise of the Hawks (Not a VN reference)
The Final Rhino (Not a VN reference - The Last Unicorn)
Carbons - Cinders
Trunks: the Troll dating experience - Tusks: The Orc Dating Sim
The Enchantress in the Woods - The Witch in the Forest
Hotfoot Feline - Hustle Cat
An Elfishly Unique Fortnight - An old, unfinished VN I made
Stadium Bazaar - Arena Circus
The Seven Streets of Shortcomings - ?
Selfish Addiction - Ego Holic
A Worgen Advantage, Apparently - A Werewolf Opportunity, Obviously
WonderlandMafia - OZMAFIA
Reverbs of the Unholy - is this.. Echoes of the Fey
Aged - ?
Specter Procession - Spirit Parade
Demonconstruct - ?
The Core of Fables - The Heart of Tales 


Sexy Man Man #5 (Not a VN reference)
Checkers of Daggers - Chess of Blades
Moth Chowder - Butterfly Soup
A Palm in the Twilight - A Hand in the Darkness
Entice Me the Romance - Seduce Me the Otome
Longing: Ur Queer Story - Yearning: a Gay Story
Twosomes - Pairs
So Many Untruths - ?
Lovemade - ?
Where We Set Our Sight - Where We Lay Our Scene
Date Almost Everything - Date (Almost) Anything?
Affectionate Charlatan - Sentimental Trickster
Generic Cherry Blossoms - ?
Abnormal Physics - ?
Flatmates - Roommates


No Alternative Remedy - No Other Medicine
Phantoms of Florida - Ghosts of Miami
Onwards the Perimeter - Along the Edge
Delusion Liberator Daigaku - Dream Savior Gakuen
How We Have Changed - Who We Are Now
Father's Fibs - Daddy Lies (now The Secrets We Keep)
When Waterfowl Cry - ?
Felony Opus: The Ripple Effect - ?

Some of the parody titles are... less bad than others.
(Posting with the right account this time)


I was so pleasantly surprised and flattered when I came across "No Alternative Remedy" on one of my playthroughs!

Out of the ones you don't remember, I'm guessing "Sparrow Drue: Clover Counsel" was Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, and both "When They Laugh" and "When Waterfowl Cry" sound like they could be references to Umineko.


We were hoping devs would notice! :D <3


Phoenix Wright! Of course! You're probably right about Umineko, I just don't understand why I didn't reference the naming scheme they use.
I was very happy some devs recognized their game, it was a lot of fun to make a whole list, and I tried to reference as many lemmasoft ppl I could find.


Woah thank you! I love these! And now I have a new list of vns to look through

PM was so happy someone took notice of the books! :D we're glad you enjoyed that part