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Well, seeing as the most recent reply is from a year ago I doubt you'll see this, but first off, you make GREAT web games! I've played a few of them and they are so much fun! The concept of the whole card thing is super unique and fun, and the world is cute and polished. My one suggestion: it could look more like a dungeon if you made the cards look more like a dungeon, I think would look super cool. I look forward to seeing your next game; they are always a blast to play! Hope Covid hasn't hit your developing at all, and if you need ideas you can ask, as I have a ton but 0 game dev skills wow that sounded selfish good thing you won't see this!

Oh, I will definitely see this! Thank you for the feedback, you should check out the latest version of this game (no web build yet, but it's coming soon): 

And thank you for good wishes! Managed to avoid COVID-related issues so far and hoping to keep it that way with vaccination. 

OH SNAP Did NOT expect this! Will definitely check it out some time soon!