No one plays a game for “a few seconds” this is just a category that indicates games that don’t work with your desktop app.
The “Average Session” is defined in the settings as:
Average session duration — Time it takes to reach an objective (complete a level, a run, etc.)
There are games that have “runs” that last a few seconds. Think something like flappy bird. One “run” can last a few seconds before the user loses and have to restart. Sure a user might decide to restart and play again, but that’s not covered by the “Average session duration”.
You shouldn’t advertise this on game pages like mine ( ) under the expanded box
I’m not sure I understand. You set the average session duration yourself for each game, so if you are not happy with a duration of a few seconds, you can increase it. The setting can be found at “Edit Game” -> “Metadata” -> “Classification”.