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*puts Jess on my shoulders* Mine! *jess's mind* gotta admit, you look nice


also, sorry for having to smack you back into your sense ;-v-;

yea thanks-_-

You look weird very weird..

oh in a good way thanks

im also going to kick your ass now

In your dreams mortal Hmph.

*walks back home* How about we watch some tv? something you like this time

babe get your dum friend he said i look ugly and weird 😥

oh don't worry, I will...

Error...I think you shouldnt be doing this hmph.

*your mind* just stop being rude to my wife...

Never said that mortal..I said that your look weird tch.

Killer, I advise you start running =)

Error dont do this man I dont want to hurt you..

*walks inside after making Jess wrap her legs around me to walk inside*, *sits on couch*, *turns on tv*


Anyways so how....j-jeez...h-how is there a bone in my c-chest....*couches blood*

*carefully removes bone*, *use advance healing magic* invisible bone by the AlL mIgHtY fell...

(fell) DAMN IT! I ALMSOT GOT HIM!! *THROWS Bones at error and teleports to his au* 

(me) Thanks e-error.

*catches bones* no problem

Jeez Fell is getting in my nerves tch..

what is his deal anyways? we just stopped him from drugging you

Dont know tch..

wait....why would he want to drug you? that's the real question...