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(8 edits) (+1)

Hey Dasius, I got also a few ideas that would make more interesting the game, like:

(my English and spelling is no good just yet, sorry if my spelling makes your eyes bleed lmao)

1- special customers comes with the request for you to build a special weapon with special ingredients they brought to you. this kind of customers will rarely appear (like 1 out 10).

2-it will be cool if you could implement elementals to the weapons like sword or great Sword, which will require you to obtain certain  material and carefully crafting. This kind of weapon will be more like an order, costumers will request this kind of weapons and come to the next day to pick it up at the same time of the day that they ordered it.

3-it will be also cool if the blacksmith had his very own and unique hammer that can be upgraded through experience so you could build more powerful weapons.

4-Adding the ability to build armor pieces will be cool idea.

that's some ideas I come up with while I was playing the game. I hope that help you in some way... :D

ps: if you haven't notice I like the word "cool."