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*knits some type of doll of killer, puts on string that goes towards killer*, *starts kniting again*

Me)I guess I can help ya out.

(gaster) Thank you.

*yells out from far away* tell him i'll help too! also that doll is for you since i was bored

(fell) what the- GASTER! 

(gaster) NOW KILLER!

(me) Hmph. *slashes fells head* 

(1 edit)

*fell doesn't die but instead has a large scar across face* ugggh, why don't you jus diiiiiiie!

(gaster) SHIT SHIT!
(Fell) You bastard ow- 

*wraps Fell in strings, yanks him close to me, then kicks him back repeatedly until strings break*

(fell) AGH S-STOP AGH!

(gaster) My I never thought error can do so much.

(Me) Hmph.

*yanks him again , using new strings, slamming Fell not only to the ground breaking his bones little by little, but also slowly burning him with strings*



(me) i think you should leave gaster.

(gaster ) yeah...*teleports back to his au*

(teleports to fell) Hmph 

(fell) Hm...

(gaster) *punches fell*

*grabs fells and throws him up in the air, wrapping him in strings and slamming him to the ground*