Really neat idea! Took a couple attempts but I managed to steal the golden mug and get away. When I beat it I snuck my way up the stairs, throw a oil balloon on the ground to land on that (seemed to silence it, but maybe I just landed on a different surface than when I tried before) . I then used the plungers to zip to the door to escape
I wasn't actually sure where to go the first time I stole the mug. First time I tried go to the side of the stairs since I originally though they might lead to a hallway exit or something. Figured it out afterwards mostly since their weren't a lot of options on where to go. It was fine for a small level like the one in the demo, but if you plan to do larger areas in the future maybe adding some sort of level overview to give the player an idea of the overlay would be nice.
Would be nice if I could directly switch between tiptoe and crouched, instead of having to switch to normal walking first.
Thanks for the cool demo, and cant wait to see where this game goes!