The drive kinda scared me to death, lol. The car handling is quite... "unique", shall we say (a mix of boat and snowmobile? KB+mouse here though), so I was always afraid I'd crash and kill both me and my cute girlfriend while drifting around on the highway. ;) That's especially true since Skye expects me to look at her to continue the conversation during the drive... "God, girl, I seriously need to look at the road, or we're going to die any moment!!1" ;)
Thank god we both got to the cabin in one piece. ;p
It was really sweet and cute though, especially at the cabin! :)
On a side-note: I know nobody will be interested in this, but as the game bundles OpenJRE 11, it will fail to run on ancient versions of MS Windows (like XP). If you have an Oracle JRE/JDK 1.8 installed though, you can still run it: Open a cmd terminal, enter the game folder, and execute: javaw.exe -jar "game\game.jar". It'll work, doesn't need any Java 11 exlusive stuff. :)