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(1 edit)

I was using the shopkeeper character and I tried to go to the cave dungeon but when i went in it wouldn't load the dungeon till i moved a little more left. i left the dungeon after i cleared 1 room of zombies and when i finished loading back my character disappeared and made me choose a character as if i hadn't chosen one before i went into the cave. I chose the same character and now my fire skulls that the shopkeeper shoots don't have collision with the ground anymore.  They would hit everything else but the ground. One of my people in the tower would shoot at an alligator/crocodile and he wouldn't stop. If you do a max resources/food cheat when you are full, it would flash 9999 (max is 999) for resources and 999 (max is 99) hearts for a split second. If you do it when your loading (to a house or dungeon) and do it it will stay 9999/999 but will go away next time is updated (When you build/plant/eat). Bullet boxes, bullets, food can get stuck on top of things you cant get to ex: in shed you can get food that is on a table half characters size. (maybe add a jump? but i think it wont match the game and it it would open a door to many, many bugs.) The dog will sometimes go thru the barbed wire fence on the edges of the map to kill zombies. The stumps in the farm area cant be destroyed. When you go into the pause menu in a car, it makes your camera follow where your driving from behind; it's not in an overhead view. When you play as the hobo with molotovs, he slides around on the ground like he is on ice. He cant dash but when you press/hold the space bar his animation freezes till you let go. The explosion has no sound.  You can fling your self using the molotovs and a gate. When driving the bike, it goes so fast that the camera cant keep up with it. I don't ever see the shopkeeper selling an armory key, shed key, etc.

Some questions: Is the dog supposed to make cars float a little sometimes when he runs into them? Are you supposed to be able to walk up a fallen electrical post to get over a farm fence? Will you make it so you can build roofs? Will you add a crafting system? Are the orbs that you collect supposed to disappear when you complete the game?

Some suggestions: A a buildable garage door/gate for vehicles. Seasons and weather. Make the molotovs so that when you throw them that they will also make fire burning in a certain radius from where you throw them. The tools in the farm shed are useless now. make it so it takes longer to break trees unless you have the axe that is there. Make rocks breakable with the pick that is in the shed. Make a limit on how many gates, walls, spikes etc depending on how many hordes you have defeated (but no limits on corn/trees that you can plant). You can make a cheatcode that will remove the limit for people who want no limit or beat the game and want to build a huge base. Have survivors you save wander around or near your base but when there is a herd/horde attacking they come to the safehouse to defend it. Be able to take other survivors with you, not just the dog.

I had more bugs written down on my phone but i accidentally deleted them after i started writing this post, but this should be most or maybe all that i found today so far. If not, I'm sure someone else or I will find them again.