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The art, creativity, and audio of this game are polished to an insane amount. I don't know what much more to say than that. Character designs were creative and interesting (it takes me back to high school and has a little Homestuck vibe which was nostalgic for me). 

In terms of completeness, I only crashed once when playing because of a specific action I took during the final moment of the game (running into damage over and over again to restart the level). Otherwise, front to back, this absolutely feels in line with games of the same caliber. Combat and movement in relation to the damage mechanics and are clear... although, somewhat unfair at times?

The game is oftentimes too punishing... and oftentimes not punishing at all. 

I understand how all the different enemies move, and that I need to do a bit of thinking to make sure I don't corner myself or put myself in an unwinnable situation (1 heart, but "checkmate in 2").

 Sometimes though, I feel as if the unwinnable situation is inevitable and there are only certain things you can do to avoid it. For example, if you roll the card that makes enemies alerted to you all over the map, you're almost better off just killing yourself. 

The conditions ("poisons") force you to play in a certain manner; that I liked. However (call me bad), but I genuinely feel as if I can't avoid bad RNG in a level or predict enemy movement correctly at times. The game actively works against you, but I don't feel that's absolutely terrible. It kept me engaged enough to finish. I feel like there are just a lot of moments where I go "are you kidding me?" 

There's also the other issue of the shop. Through the game, I felt like there was absolutely no benefit to the shop's upgrades when I could absolutely just run through the game and find the exit as soon as I could... and then I got to the final boss. Then I realized the importance of the shop. Its my fault in a way, but the only worthwhile upgrade was the max HP, which only sometimes appeared. I found it more efficient to run through and just, buy when I happened across it; but by the time I got to the final boss, there was no turning back to go and pick up upgrades.

If I were to compare it to your team's last game, "Reaper-san," a very good difficulty comes from "I made that decision, and it feels as if it was 100% my fault." Reaper-san encompasses that, but this game only sometimes encompasses my belief on difficulty.

Overall, the only thing I would really knock it down with is the RNG feeling unforgiving at times and this creeping feeling of "illusion of choice" looming every action I took. In all other respects however, the game is really good!

i low key want to speedrun this though, the replayability factor is just right for that kind of mindset