Bf got me this as a gift and I COULDN'T BE HAPPIER. Love the look, it brings me back to those old ps1 days! The colors are the aesthetic; the kinda colors I go nuts for. I can't stress how much I like this game, and the other games siactro made; like Tastey Ramen <3
I did have a problem, I sorta fixed it. The colors were inverted. Tried right clicking the exe, and disable fullscreen optimizations; didn't work. I did fix it though, I had to change my screen res down a notch. I just have to pretend its like watching widescreen movies with the black bars. I would love an alternative to this workaround; its has something to do with fullscreen and unity I think. Another fix was to force it in windowed mode; used an old program called DxWnd. I hope its okay sharing this, I just wanted to so if another person had the same issue they can fix it.