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Hello, Clesak!

I'm glad you had a good experience with the game! This is not an excuse but, I'm still new in this game development. "I'm A Pencil" is my second visual novel after "Memories of East Coast". By saying this, to be honest, I did planned to make it longer and to have some plot twists in the story of a pencil. Although, joining a game jam like NanoReno challenge put me in tight schedule and I fear I don't have enough time for the planned storyline. I switch from romance and fun, to fun and laugh. Despite I still include a line or two for the character speaking about something romantic, that was not what I planned for, it was a hint how I was actually planned, to have some romance and more. Making comedic writing was never part of me, the jokes might be kind of lame or overused, but it is all from me. Being unfamiliar with comedic writing and having tight schedule for the game jam, I have to cut the whole story short and scrapped the storyline off my mind from supposedly to be an hour long worth of a story about a pencil, to only being about 15 minutes long. In learning how to expressed my jokes when I was writing the story, I also just learn at that time and included achievements. In short, "I'm A Pencil" was made with a lots of stuffs going on in my head. It is a casual game, meant to have a fun playthrough, made for the game jam, basically a challenge, and also technical testing had been done from my part. Now, I know how to have 4 different endings, this technique will be use for the real ending instead of achievements in the future, thus next projects will offer more content (story-wise). Thank you for your feedback!

Thank you for playing!
Good luck to you as well.