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The spycar also doesn't slow down if you let go of gas. The spycar cant shoot will driving because the bullets it shoots hits itself. It is fast so the camera i slightly behind making it hard to drive fast. You should make the camera a little more zoomed out and faster will driving and make it that the vehicle will be a the back of the screen when driving so you can see whats coming up ahead and not have to quickly react/ deforest the map when off road. The machine gun on the spy car doesn't use the ammo that i have and it just keeps on shooting. Maybe add a reload that you have to get out of the car to do, but make the clip very big. I was driving on the highway when the spycar randomly clipped through the road and i was stuck in an enclosed fence below it. In the parking garage there is a ramp you can walk up and then if you go to the wrong side you fall into oblivion. remove it or make it inaccessible or add more levels to the parking garage that you can access with the different vehicles on them. The other cars still say locked even though i have the deluxe and i'm playing on it. If you touch the red truck its sprite will disappear but you can still drive it out of the parking garage and when you exit and reenter it will reappear. There are zombies in the church building before you go in it and sometimes the parking garage too. A zombie just randomly died when i touched the back of the red truck. The grave digger guy you rescue in the church has a strange animation that's hard to see/notice. If your not walking or holding a gun when you start walking he flips his shovel completely around in a circle and when you stop walking he flips it again.

Some suggestions: Make it so when you beat the game, in the pause menu there would still be a big orb instead of resting them. When you do the reset car cheatcode it would move the vehicle back to the very spot the red truck was crashed in when you start in the beginning of the game because when i reset my spaycar it was pretty close to the safehouse but i had a big base. Make vehicles have durability that you will have to repair and/or make vehicle enhancements/upgrades like adding spikes to the front but i dont think it(vehicle upgrades) will match this game. There is one part of the bride that you can get partially under/behind and you cant see whats going on:

This is the location of the segment of the bridge on the map: