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(me) Tch shut up.

(Dust) Hmph.

Okay, listen here killer, you could have CALLED before you walked in! but NOOOO, you didn't and is somehow pissed at ME that i was doing something!

(me)Hmph Whatever.

(dust) Hmph.

listen guys, i know i haven't been here as often and i'm sorry about that, but i can't be here 24/7 watching your guys asses from danger!

(Me) Just leave asshole hmph,

(Dust) Hmph.

okay, NOW you guys are just acting childish and pissing me off! what the hell is wrong with y'all?

(me)  just leave you wont do use any good Tch go have fun with your hoe hmph.

(dust) Hmph. heres your knife killer

(me) thanks. *grabs it.

*slaps killer* OKAY, THAT DOES IT! You can insult ME all you want but you do NOT insult her!

He called me the "H" word😭

yeah i know, i'm handling it at the moment, let's get something to eat now *smiles and walks to kitchen*

(killer) ....*looks at error* Hey dust thanks for sharping my knife.

(dust) * in his mind * ( shit shit error is done for! ) ...Oh y-yeah no problem.

Good luck stabbing me, the wounds i have are deep enough to the point where even if you set me on FIRE it wouldn't hurt! plus, i'm a glitch, you can't KILL a glitch!

Do you have any weapons I can use...

YEA >:c


You suck
(1 edit)

you too aswell mortal.

Dick -_- I never finished my sentence you suck dick and I know I do dum nut

eat my ass your getting annyoing tch.

FUCK you